My Commitments (1st Edition)

5 min read

This blog post is going to feel predominantly for me. 

“Then why are you sharing it?” 

I have studied successful people and tried repeatedly to find exactly what they did to achieve the life that they created for themselves. Through this, I have found that it is SO hard to find out what they did. What they were thinking. Their mentality. 

You can see how their craft was honed over time, especially on YouTube if you go back to the original videos on their channels and they didn’t delete them but I have always wanted more. 

At the most fundamental level, this all comes down to the work that you put in. That is clear to many if not all of us. The harder that you work and the longer that you sustain that effort, the more that you are going to get out of life (in most situations). 

But what the hell are they thinking along the way? 

There will be someone someday that wants to see how I accomplished what I have accomplished. They are a younger version of me. Thirsty for a different life trying to find the way that I did it so they too can become the best version of themselves. 

This is for you. I believe that you can do this. Just remember that it’s going to take an extraordinary amount of effort over a much longer time period than you think but you too can make this happen. 

I can’t remember if it was Alex Hormozi, Tim Bilyeu, or Ed Mylett that said it but they posed a thought provoking question that I am choosing to act on. 

The question?

How do I accomplish my 10 year plan in the next 6 months?

Feasible? Who knows. Will it change the perspective that I view my current problems from so I can achieve what I want out of life? Abso-fuckin-lutely. 

10 Years from Now

I have successfully launched my SaaS app with millions of users worldwide (the idea I have in mind has the potential to impact every single person if they so choose to use it). 

I have a state of the art animal rescue at the very least in development with millions of dollars already donated to help animals that couldn’t come to the facility. 

My wife, Sydney, and I get to live lives free of the burden of working for anybody other than ourselves, we get the pets that we want, and we have a home custom built by an architect that can bring our long-standing and ever-evolving vision to life. 

Yes, in 10 years I am still human and have some hedonic desires. Having a nice home is super desirable when you’ve lived in Colorado for most of your life and million dollar homes here reek of disappointment. 

How can I accomplish this in 6 months?

My most important priority is building an audience. The path to gaining an audience will help me refine and develop my marketing, branding, storytelling, and overall competency in various skills that I can take with me no matter where I go in life. 

The name of the game is going to be constant ramp up. Putting myself in a constant state of discomfort for… 6 months. Once I have ramped up to the point where I can’t optimize my time anymore, I bring someone else in to help. The first areas will be video and thumbnail editing as both are the bane of my existence but incredibly important skills for me to learn so I can describe what I want. 

I also want to get my first 1k followers by myself. It’s the hardest leg of the journey and I just want to know I can. 

My Goals/Standards

Do daily, weekly, monthly check-ins. Did we make progress towards achieving our metrics listed below?

Hit step goal daily, lift 5 times a week and stay in my caloric deficit (this will shift to a lean bulk but these are month 1 goals). Bring Trumy (Truman is our dog) on as many of these walks as I can. 

Step goal has 1k per week ramp up this month. 

10k week of 02/17

11k week of 02/24

12k week of 03/03

13k week of 03/04

Currently following hypertrophy, bodybuilding style workout routine with 4 days upper body and 1 day lower. This is because my upper body has always lagged my lower. Get this done each week. The focus here is on intensity, form, and doing one more. 

Dream Life (start by building massive following)

2 blog posts per week to start - focus is on getting in the practice of putting content out there and refining each time. 

1 video every single week no matter what. The focus is the same as above. 

Start with hitting these goals for two weeks minimum. Make it harder. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 

Daily check-in, did we make progress towards the above goals? If not, what got in the way? 

Weekly check-in (Sundays), did we HIT the goals? If not, what got in the way? 

Monthly check-ins (last Sunday of the month), did we beat our goals? If not, what is more important than building your dream life? How can we remove the obstacle?